Primary Education in Histon and Impington
Have your say about primary education in Histon and Impington
A consultation has now opened allowing community members to share their opinions on the plans for expanding education in Histon and Impington.
The consultation will be running for six weeks and closes on 21st November 2019 at 5pm. The survey can be completed online or paper copies can be obtained from Histon and Impington Junior or Infant School.
Histon and Impington Junior School has already expanded on its current site in readiness to extend its age range to serve children aged 4-11, providing a total of 630 places. This redevelopment was Phase 1 of a two-phase project to expand primary education in Histon and Impington.
In Phase 2, Histon and Impington Infant School will relocate from its current site in New School Road to Buxhall Farm on Mill Lane. It will then also extend its age range to serve children aged 4-11, providing a total of 420 places.
The planning application for the new school at Buxhall Farm was approved by the Planning Committee on 18 July 2019. Work is set to begin in early November and it is expected that the new primary school will open during the 2021 academic year.
CPET, who currently manage both Histon and Impington Junior and Infant schools, will be the academy trust sponsor of the new primary schools.
Lesley Birch, executive principal of CPET, said: “The views of parents and members of the community mean a lot to CPET and are important in shaping the future of the new primary schools. The schools will be a vital part of the local area for many years to come and it is crucial that they reflect and fit in with the community’s values. We look forward to seeing the community’s thoughts on the plans and to using these to inform our decisions about the organisation of the new schools.”