
Charlotte Leaver
Assistant Headteacher at Trumpington
“I am proud to be part of CPET, a Trust where children are at the heart of everything. A Trust where teamwork and collaboration are valued and innovation is celebrated.”
Tim Coulson
Chief Executive at Unity Schools Partnership
“The trust we are grateful to for the wisdom of its CEO on our own board.”
Jonathan Lewis
Service Director at Education (Cambridgeshire & Peterborough)
“CPET are a Trust built upon collaboration and excellence. They have had a huge impact on all the schools they have worked with and are fully committed to improving outcomes in Cambridgeshire.”
Anthony Aguda
Headteacher at Hatton Park Primary School
“The CPET aims and ethos have been instrumental in our school's growth and development. Teamwork sits at the heart of everything and benefits both children and staff alike.”